HUMO Tokenomics
Initial Supply
100,000,000 Tokens
Fair Launch (Locked Liquidity)
3,000,000 (Over 10 Intervals @ 5%)
Airdrop - FUEGO Snapshot Holders
10,000,000 + 5 ETH from Founders
Pairing Wallet (Multi-Sig Treasury)
3,000,000 (Over 9 Intervals - every 5%)
Team Wallet (Muliti-Sig)
Marketing & Incentive Wallet (Multi-Sig)
Fair Launch - HUMO LP (Protocol Owned Liquidity)
The coins will launch on Uniswap V3 paired with ETH in a fair launch process. Anti-snipe methods will be used and no outside entities will be made aware of the launch date/time, name or ticker until the time token has launched to the public. The token's Telegram will be the same as the Fuego's. Team will first notify the community of the launch via community TG, then will start advertising the launch via social channels to the crypto community, shortly after. 80,000,000 coins will go live via LP on Uniswap V3 for the launch.
Airdrop - HUMO to AirdropFuego.base.eth
Created for Fuego holders who held 10,000 or more tokens on the snapshot date and time. These holders will receive 3,000,000 HUMO tokens as a percentage of the ratio of total Fuego held at the time of the snaphot. The airdrop will pay on the same intervals as the remaining FUEGO airdrops, beginning at the 10% burn target of FUEGO. The airdrop pays 48 hours after each 5% burn targt is acheived.
Pairing Wallet - HUMO to DAOFuego.base.eth
10,000,000 HUMO will be sent directly the DAO Treasury at launch. This will also include the contribution of 5 ETH from the founders of FUEGO within three days of launch for acquiring solidly based protocol token. The HUMO will be paired as followed: * 4,000,000 paired with equal FUEGO in Treasury. All fees will be burned. * 2,000,000 paired with equal VELOCITY in Treasury. All fees will be burned. * Paired with PEAS, fBOMB and cbBTC over time with 5 ETH. Fees Compounded. * Remaining - used to create LP opportunities at DAO discretion. After the pairs are live, the trading fees gained from the arbitrage of these pools will either be burned or claimed at each interval to compound the original pools with HUMO. Like with FUEGO, the PEAS, fBOMB, and cbBTC pool revenue will also begin to set concentrated liquidity at 15% FUEGO burned. The Treasury of HUMO, when there is a surplus, can be used to contribute to gauges on solidly protocols like Aerodrome and Equalizer on Base. When there is no surplus, the funds for incentives will come directly from the Marketing and Incentives wallet that is owned by the community.
Additionally, the Pairing Wallet will be managed by DAO members at the direction of the community based DAO once the token has reached FUEGO's 50% burn threshold. The funds will be held in a 4 of 5 multi-sig wallet for maximum security. Treasury owned by FUEGO holders at 100%
Incentive Wallet - HUMO to
The Marketing and Incentive (M&I) Wallet will be used at the direction of the community. No contribution can be made from the M&I wallet exceeding 50,000 HUMO tokens without the direction of the FUEGO community DAO. Additionally, as the protocol gains traction, it may be prudent for the protocol to move any unused tokens from the M&I wallet over to the DAO owned Pairing Wallet to increase yield for FUEGO and HUMO holders or to incentivize other protocols. Some marketing and incentive ideas that will be considered at the outset of the protocol are:
Incentivizing Gauges on Solidly forked platforms.
Incentivizing Base Protocols to contribute tokens to the DAO for Diversified pairings.
Incentivizing web3 AI Agents to perform certain taks
Community Contests
Volume Contracts
The M&I funds will be held in a 4 of 5 multi-sig wallet for maximum security.
Team Wallet - HUMO to
300,000 tokens will be released to the team at each 5% FUEGO burn interval (Starting at 10%) until the team wallet's 3,000,000 tokens are depleted. The final 600,000 HUMO in the TEAM wallet will be distributed when FUEGO reaches 50% a burn threshold.
Last updated