VOID Memorial
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1. The liquidity decrease function claimBurn() had no permission verification, so anyone could call the contract. claimVoid() in “Entropy” contract decreased liquidity 1% and collected those funds along with swap fees.
function claimBurn() external {uniswapV3PositionManager.decreaseLiquidity} would allow exploiters to write a contract to claimBurn() multiple times and call claimVoid() to collect ALL of the liquidity. While it was assumed by some that VOID was exploited, the Dev simply liquidated the spot VOID from his wallets and side pool LP, without outside exploit. Unfortunately, it was built to be a scam and to rug the community. Which leads to the actual rug;
2. The side pool wallet was a single signor wallet. The dev had singular control of the wallet and its contents. The dev simply pulled all LP from the side pools and then liquidated everything, rugging the project from what was becoming one of the most promising projects on Base chain.
The project has a very experienced dev and team. To make the project free from a claimVoid() type exploit, Mobbie Dev has corrected the contract. Mobbie has also added permission verification for claimBurn(). This means that ONLY the EmberCore contract can call the function, not anyone. So, at each burn interval, the new EmberCore contract can collect 1% of liquidity for a SINGULAR time only (not multiple times repeatedly like in the VOID project).
Moreover, after the contract checking the time, the new EmberCore contract updates the next interval to burn IMMEDIATELY to avoid any potential reentrancy attacks.
Safety and community trust will be the primary focus of this project.
Finally, this new project has been gamified to allow for additional incentive mechanisms a veNFT environ and will be partnering with several other Base projects immediately from launch. The project is using a Marketing & Incentive Wallet, a DAO Treasury Wallet (partner “side pools”) that ALL owners of FUEGO will be voters and owners of, and most important, all four of the project's wallets are kept safely in a 4 of 5 multi-sig with Mobbie (Tech Wizard - No social media), TROU (Integer), G3THRO (Base Junkie), and Fiery Dev (fBOMB & MCLB). The four members and signors reside in four different countries. This project will begin somewhat centralized with a fair launch, but its progress will become decentralized with time by the newly formed DAO once the 50% burn level is achieved.